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Civil Law

Civil Law

Difference between Necessary Party and Proper Party |

The Supreme Court in Udit Narain Singh v. Board of Revenue, AIR 1963 SC 786, while pointing out the difference between the necessary and proper parties. Who is necessary party ? The necessary party is one in whose absence no…

Case laws Civil Law

Can I stop my father to sell my grandfather’s property or ancestral’s property ?

The answer for this question is fortunately a Yes. Reasons- That property was not owned or earned by your father. The property doesn’t have sole right of your father only You are equal to your father in terms of ancestral…

Civil Law Judiciary / ADPO preparation

Difference between Attorney General, CAG, Advocate General (short difference)

Title Attorney General CAG Advocate General Presently K. K Venugopala (15th) Girish Chandra Murmu (14th) Purushendra Kaurav (15th) Article Article.76 Article.148 Article.165 Who appoints? President President by warrant and seal. Governer Qualification He must be qualified to become a judge…

Civil Law


INTRODUCTION- The term privity of contract begins with the term contract as defined in Section 2(h) of the Indian contract act 1872 which states every agreement enforceable by law is a CONTRACT. In other words a contract is an agreement between two…

What is Subrogation ? | Section 92 of Transfer of Property Act.| Doctrine of Subrogation.

Object– It is an equitable doctrine. It is based on natural justices principle. Meaning of Subrogation– Substitution. Who can subrogate- Any person other than the mortgagor or co- mortgagor. Who is having any interest in the mortgaged property. And who…

Civil Law

Suit by person dispossessed of immovable property / Section 6 of Specific Relief Act 1963

Suit by person dispossessed of immovable property  section 6  section 6 (1) can provide that if any person is dispossessed without his consent of the movable property otherwise than Due course of law he or any person through whom he…