The Legal Majesty

Feel The Glory of LAW

Judiciary / ADPO preparation

Difference between Admission & Confession | Crpc in hindi


1.       An admission is a statement oral or written or electronic which suggest the liability or right of the person making statement.
2.       All admission is not confession.
3.       An admission is not conclusive proof of matters admitted but it may operate as an estoppel.
4.       An admission may be used on behalf of and in favor of person making admission under circumstances mentioned under Section 21.
5.       An admission by one of the several defendants in a suit is evidence against other no defendants.
6.       A retracted admission is of no value.
7.       An admission is generally subject of civil cases.
8.       An admission cannot be used as confession.
1.       A confession is a statement oral or written of a person accused of an offence in which either he has admitted having committed the offence or he has admitted substantial facts which constitutes an offence.
2.       All confession is admission.
3.       A confession if voluntarily & deliberately made may be accepted as conclusive proof of the matters confessed.
4.       A confession always goes against the person making a confession.
5.       A confession of two or more accused jointly tried for the same offence can be taken consideration against the co-accused under Section 30 of Evidence Act.
6.       A retracted confession may form the basis of conviction.
7.       A confession is concerned generally with criminal trial.
8.       When confession falls some sort of categorical admission of offence it may be used as admission.


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