The Legal Majesty

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Civil Law Judiciary / ADPO preparation

Difference between Attorney General, CAG, Advocate General (short difference)

TitleAttorney GeneralCAGAdvocate General
Presently K. K Venugopala (15th) Girish Chandra Murmu (14th) Purushendra Kaurav (15th)
Article Article.76 Article.148 Article.165
Who appoints?President President by warrant and seal.Governer
QualificationHe must be qualified to become a judge of the SUPREME COURTNA He must be qualified to become a judge of HIGH COURT
RemovalPleasure of PresidentRemoved on the grounds and manner as provided by section 124 (4) Pleasure of Governer
DutiesTo advise GOVT. OF INDIA on legal matters and other legal charactersAs prescribed by the parliamentTo look after all the legal matters of the state


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